| Conversation | Ciné-Club |
French Lessons | Membership
| Café-Croissant
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Café-Croissant will be on Saturday 5 October. We will be meeting at 9:30am at Co-Lab Cafe, 211 Market Street South, Hastings. There is good parking near the cafe and it is handy to the CBD.
It's a great opportunity for breakfast and chat in French, Frenglish or French. There will be a French speaking part of the table avec un petit drapeau français! RSVP to Barbara by Thursday 3 October and include whether you would like croissants. Notre "Café-Croissant" vous permet de rencontrer des francophiles tout en prenant le petit-déjeuner ! |
Fascinating. A thoughtful and engrossing re-imagining of a towering figure." - The Canberra Times |
October's film
October we have a film de guerre - war film. We start each Ciné-Club in the cinema entry foyer from 6:00pm. We will be serving $5 glasses of Beach House wine and complimentary bread and cheese. The film starts at 6:30pm and supper is available afterwards at Pipi's café (please note on your registration if interested) Tuesday 8th October Event Cinemas, Havelock North. Cost: Members $10; Other $15 De Gaulle (2020) M - Mature themes 108 mins, France French with English subtitles "Set during the political collapse of 1940s France, this biographical drama follows French army officer Charles de Gaulle during a hugely confronting time while his wife, Yvonne, and their kids travel the road of the exodus. Mai 1940. La guerre s’intensifie, l’armée française s’effondre, les Allemands seront bientôt à Paris. La panique gagne le gouvernement qui envisage d’accepter la défaite. Un homme, Charles de Gaulle, fraîchement promu général, veut infléchir le cours de l’Histoire. Sa femme, Yvonne de Gaulle, est son premier soutien, mais très vite les évènements les séparent. Yvonne et ses enfants se lancent sur les routes de l’exode. Charles rejoint Londres. Il veut faire entendre une autre voix : celle de la Résistance. - AlloCine |
Soirées de Conversation

Napier Conversation Evening organised by Ann, on Monday 30 September & 28 October
Havelock North Conversation Evening, organised by Belinda on Wednesday 2 October.
For new enquiries visit this link, send a message to either Belinda or Ann, you will then be added to the monthly mailout (regular attendees please respond to the monthly email sent to you). Everyone is welcome.
Soirée virtuelle continues on the first and third Tuesday Evening - contact James for more information.
Havelock North Conversation Evening, organised by Belinda on Wednesday 2 October.
For new enquiries visit this link, send a message to either Belinda or Ann, you will then be added to the monthly mailout (regular attendees please respond to the monthly email sent to you). Everyone is welcome.
Soirée virtuelle continues on the first and third Tuesday Evening - contact James for more information.
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Click here to meet our sponsors.