Café-Croissant will be on Saturday 2 March. We will be meeting at 9:30am at Ajuna Eatery in Hastings Street in Napier.
It's a great opportunity for breakfast and chat in French, Frenglish or French. There will be a French speaking part of the table avec un petit drapeau français! RSVP to Barbara by Thursday 29 February and include whether you would like croissants. Notre "Café-Croissant" vous permet de rencontrer des francophiles tout en prenant le petit-déjeuner ! |
Tuesday 26th March 6:00pm
Are you interested in joining our committee and become more involved with our Association? It is fun, rewarding and you can control how much energy and time you input. We have some available places – please make contact with our President or any of the current committee if you are interested! Our AGM will be 26th March at Hastings Library 6pm, with an option to also join via Zoom. We encourage all members to attend and find out about how AFHB runs. As stipulated by our rules, the notice of meeting will be sent out to members on 27 February, committee nomination forms are due 12 March. Have you renewed your 2024 membership? Click here to renew. |
With its whimsical tone and lovely French scenery, this warm British comedy pushes all the right buttons. " - Richard Kline (Shadows of the Wall ) |
March's film
Our second film for 2024 we have an experience many can relate to - travelling in a country we don't know the language for! We start each Cine-Club in the cinema entry foyer from 6:00pm. We will be serving $5 glasses of Beach House wine and complimentary bread and cheese. The film starts at 6:30pm and supper is available afterwards at Pipi's café (please note on your registration if interested) Tuesday 12th March at 6:30pm Event Cinemas, Havelock North. Cost: Members $10; Other $15 The Man in the Hat (2021) PG - 95 mins, United Kingdom With five angry men chasing him, the Man in the Hat jumps in a small Fiat 500 and drives through France in this light-hearted comedy. Accompanied by a framed photograph of an unknown woman, he encounters various characters and locals during his travels... potentially finding lost love too. L'homme au chapeau parcourt la France dans une Fiat 500 accompagné d'une photo. Il est poursuivi par cinq hommes en colère dans une Citroën Dyane. Pourquoi le poursuivent-ils? Et comment peut-il les semer? Whimsy is as delicate as a butterfly wing. But "The Man in the Hat" sustains a whimsical tone beautifully throughout its brief running time, perhaps because co-writers/directors John-Paul Davidson and Stephen Warbeck add a touch of melancholy to keep it from becoming too cloying or cutesy." - Roger Ebert |
2024 lessons started recently. We offer 6 levels from beginner to advanced.
Existing students will be sent re-enrolment information. If you are interested in lessons in 2024 please refer to the information on our website and register your interest here. The A1 beginner class will be restricted to 12 students in 2024 so we encourage beginners to register their interest early to avoid disappointment. See our website for full details and conditions for A1. Lessons are at Hastings Girls' High School from 6:00-7:30pm on Thursdays during term time. |
French Friday Film & Food CHB
We are pleased to announce that French Friday Film and Food will continue to run at the Central Hawkes Bay Municipal Theatre in 2024 thanks to the generous sponsorship by Centralines Limited the power company in Central Hawke's Bay/ This means that we can continue with our bi-monthly film night and be able to put money back into a CHB charity. I would like to thank Steve for gaining sponsorship for this.
Looking forward to seeing you in 2024- meilleurs voeux! |
Soirées de Conversation

Napier Conversation Evening organised by Barbara, on 26 February and 25 March
Havelock North Conversation Evening, organised by Belinda on Wednesday 6 March.
For new enquiries visit this link, send a message to either Belinda or Ann, you will then be added to the monthly mailout (regular attendees please respond to the monthly email sent to you). Everyone is welcome.
Soirée virtuelle continues on non-Conversation Evening Mondays - contact James for more information.
Havelock North Conversation Evening, organised by Belinda on Wednesday 6 March.
For new enquiries visit this link, send a message to either Belinda or Ann, you will then be added to the monthly mailout (regular attendees please respond to the monthly email sent to you). Everyone is welcome.
Soirée virtuelle continues on non-Conversation Evening Mondays - contact James for more information.
Support our sponsors
Remember to support our sponsors. We will be seeing a lot of them at the French Film Festival.
Click here to meet our sponsors.
Click here to meet our sponsors.