February's Episode
previous episodes |
Available on iTunes by clicking here.
Franki talks about events coming up in February.
Franki talks with Benson Wilson, winner of last year's French Recital Class(sponsored by AFHB) as part of the Easter Aria Competition. He went on to win the competition. This year Benson will perform in La Bohème coming up as part of Art Deco festivities. |
January's EPISODEFranki talked about our link with Toulon and the programme was about Toulon
December's EpisodeFranki talks to the commandant of the FNS Priarial and play you a selection of Christmas music on Sunday 13 December at 5pm on Radio Kidnappers.
(see the video) There is also Recipe of the Month. |
NOVEMBER's EpisodeFranki talks to Anissa amd Gérard about the recent Dégustation dinners. she pays tribute to a recently passed U3A member,
and talks to Anissa about developments with her business La Petite Chocolat. There is also Recipe of the Month which is gluten free. |
OCTOBER / OCTOBREFranki talks about French autumn festivals, interviews Mark Caves about the upcoming Degustation themed dinners in November at EIT. There is also Recipe of the Month and other information to keep you "up-to-date with all things French in Hawke’s Bay”
Degustation French Themed Dinners From 6pm with last bookings at 6.45pm Bookings Essential 10 course meal $60.00 per head – with matching wines – $95.00 per head Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday November 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13 Call 06 974 8923 to make a booking. ![]()
September/SEpTEMBREJoin Franki on the 13th September from 5:00pm for another episode of «Salut!» on Radio Kidnappers 1431kHz or 104.7MHz or listen live online.
Franki spoke with Napier Girls' High French students who have been overseas on exchange to New Caledonia. Find out how they enjoyed it. She will also bring you up to date with "everything French in Hawke's Bay"...including art exhibitions. Click here for September's episode. |
Franki spoke to two French students Aurore and Marc-Antoine to find out about what both of these people are doing in New Zealand.
July / juillet |
June / juinThis month Franki interviews Patrick Coustance, the Educational Attaché at the French Embassy and talks about Her Excellency Mrs Florence Jeanblanc-Risler,
Ambassador of France to New Zealand who plans to visit Hawke's Bay soon to present some awards to returned servicemen. (Embassy's Website)
There is also recipe of the month - Pisaladière - download below ![]()
May / MaiEpisode: click here to listen.
Join Franki as she interviews Sue Hunt from the Napier Performing Arts' Society as AFHB sponsored the Recital Class of the Aria Song Contest in April. Benson Wilson this year's winner is pictured with, left, Franki James, AFHB President and, right, Kate Tawhai, AFHB Committee Member. ![]()
April / AvrilApril's episode: click here
After the recent AF French Film Festival and the AFHB "Handmade with Love in Hawke's Bay", Franki will interview Julie Georgia Bernard, the director of Handmade with Love in France. Franki will also keep you up to date with "all things French in Hawke's Bay". ![]()
January / janvierJanuary's episode click here.
Franki will interview Andrew Crooks and Rewia about their new books which have a French connection: Twelve Tails of France, in Kindle, or paperback version $NZ27RRP from [email protected] or from Wardini Books, Havelock North or Paper-Works, Tennyson Street. Don't Call Me Stupid on Kindle or Kobo e-readers or paperback $NZ19.95RRP The Flower Barrow - 229 Gloucester Street, Taradale Paper Plus - 285 Gloucester Street, Taradale; 77 Ruataniwha Street, Waipukurau Artmosphere Gallery - 1307 SH2 Waipawa - Otane Central Print and Design - 29 Ruataniwha Street, Waipukurau ![]()
December / DécembreDecember's episode click here .
Franki will interview Stuart Alexander, a Kiwi sports' correspondent who lives 5 months a year in Toulon and a strawberry treat for recipe of the month! ![]()
november / novembreFranki will be interviewing a professional player of women's rugby who is also a coach. Her name is Adeline le Douarin
Mal ô Mains Pour se rendre utile et passer à l'action Il suffit juste simplement de s'agiter Faire les gens qui jouent en évitant les coups Qu'on se donne à soi en gesticulant sans arrêt. Les mains toujours au bout des bras À force de remuer remuer J'ai mal aux mains, à force de traîner les pieds J'ai mal aux mains. |
October / octobreFranki continues to share about her recent trip to France with her family.
Listen in to find out! |
September / septembreFranki shares about her recent trip to France with her family.
Listen in to find out! Apéro recipe |
June / juinJoin Franki as she talks with Julia Dent about a French quiz coming up at Hastings Girls' High School on 20 June and a dinner and wine sales in July. Contact Julia at [email protected] .
She also talks with Ben Pallais (aka Monsieur Macaron) and shares some of Ben's adventures and music collection. For more information on Monsieur Macaron click here. Cassoulet |
May / MaiJoin Franki as she talks to the winners of the recent AFHB «La Paix après la Guerre» schools' art competition held recently as part of the Alliance Française French Film Festival. Among the students interviewed is third placed Manon Aulon-Elphick of Napier Girls' High School(pictured) she also speaks to James Donaldson, a French teacher at Iona College about the French equivalent of IELTS called DELF/DALF.
April / AvrilFranki has been busy talking to Yves Yersin, the director of the recent movie Tableau Noir that featured in the Alliance Française French Film Festival. The Swiss Ambassador, Marion Weichelt Krupski FDFA. We also have our only Swiss member of AFHB - find out who!
The theme for the programme is also Switzerland, Yves' homeland. Phrase of the month - C'est du cinéma - It's all put on Arrêtez le cinéma - Stop making a fuss |
March / marsMardi Gras is upon us - so no recipe this month.
Alliance Française French Film Festival this month and Franki will speak to the Director of the festival, Sarah Reese and Frances McKeown of Cinema Gold Phrase of the month: « Allons au cinéma» - Let's go to the cinema. The Festival is 27 March - 6 April. Visit our page for more details. |
February / FévrierC'est la rentrée! - Back to school Franki will talk to local French teacher and enthusiast, Lesley Parris(Great name for a French teacher!) and tell you about upcoming French events in Hawke's Bay.
and "Phrase of the month": Au boulot - Back to work! |
January / janvier
Franki speaks about France's winter festivals of Epiphany and Chandeleur as well as upcoming French events in Hawke's Bay.
Phrase of the month: Bonne année!... Happy New Year!... |